Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New tattoo

I decided over my "me" weekend to get another tattoo. It's a phoenix on my wrist — pretty symbolic given the whole identity crisis I've been having lately.

Sarah and I were having pizza Saturday evening, and I just decided that it needed to be done that day. I drew an outline, and the artist, after a couple tries, got it right.

I really love the design, too. That is, I loved it until a friend pointed out that is looks like a "fire-breathing vagina."

Note to self: Always get tattoo designs vetted by a straight guy before having them permanently inked.


mamakohl said...

I just spewed coffee. I HAVE a vagina (albeit not a fire breathing one) and I didn't even catch it.

Who has your friend been fucking?

DirectMale83 said...

LMFAO... wow!!! now that you mention it, it does sorta look like a fire breathing vagina! Not to worry though, I think it's wicked as hell. I love it. One of the best tats I've ever seen.