Saturday, April 5, 2008

Looking inward

I've been blessed to have some truly wonderful people in my life. My friends all are great people, each in very unique ways, and I love them all.

Unfortunately, over the years, there have been a handful of situations where I have driven them away. I've had HUGE fights with several of them, and it's not been pretty. Most of those friendships never have been the same, and it hurts. In one situation, the friendship has totally been severed.

I look at all those situations, and I realize that the common denominator in all those situations is me. I am a very flawed person. I've got a knack for driving people away like you would not believe.

It's come up again recently, and I don't know what to do. I'm lost. And at a loss. The whole damn thing sucks ass. And not in the good way. It's rough, but I am hopeful that things will work out.

I'm preparing myself, though, for the possibility that they won't.

I guess only time will tell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I am a very flawed person."

Oh, I know... only a flawed person would LAUGH at a fellow Mac lover when my beloved Mac was ripped from my hands. BAD JASON! :-P