Monday, May 26, 2008


It's been a long weekend, but one that I truly loved. I got my kids (it involved a lot of driving, but it was very much worth it), and we had a blast! We spent time with my mom's family on Saturday, swimming and having a general good time with 13 of her siblings and a shit-ton of my cousins.

Sunday was spent at mom's house, with me at the grill, naturally. Elijah and played catch for quite a while in the afternoon while the girls helped mom weed her flower beds.

In all, there really was nothing too exciting that happened, but just being there with them made it entirely special.

I hate that I won't see them again until late June, but I'm sure we'll all make the best of it!


The Soviet said...

sounds like a good weekend. also sounds like there was some scary weather up your way!

Jason Lewton said...

it WAS awesome, and yeah, there has been some scary weather i guess, but i always seem to miss it, dammit!