A friend of mine said the other day that Britney Spears will be dead by July. Then he amended that statement, giving her until August.
Personally, I doubt she makes it through April.
Who wants to start a pool?
Thursday, January 31, 2008
The list
I had this on my MySpace blog, but I was told that I needed to post it for the world to see. Without any further ado, here the list of euphemisms for the the word "vagina," as suggested by my friends Andrea, Gabe, Sarah, Landon, Minal and myself:
Red Snapper
Roast Beef Curtains
Ham Wallet
Cotton Bowl
Cul de Sac
Gut Locker
Salmon Purse
Juice Box
Squish Mitten
Hot Pocket
Tuna tunnel
Bacon box
Bearded clam
Pretty possum
Puckered portal (could also go for other orifices!)
Snog pocket
Hot slot
Tainted taco
Pink pit
Bunny funnel
Pink Taco
Recent submissions:
Now before anyone goes and gets all in an uproar, know that I believe everyone needs a good sense of humor. This list was not made to make fun of the birth canal; rather, it is intended to celebrate the fact that I never have to touch a vagina again! Yay!
Red Snapper
Roast Beef Curtains
Ham Wallet
Cotton Bowl
Cul de Sac
Gut Locker
Salmon Purse
Juice Box
Squish Mitten
Hot Pocket
Tuna tunnel
Bacon box
Bearded clam
Pretty possum
Puckered portal (could also go for other orifices!)
Snog pocket
Hot slot
Tainted taco
Pink pit
Bunny funnel
Pink Taco
Recent submissions:
Now before anyone goes and gets all in an uproar, know that I believe everyone needs a good sense of humor. This list was not made to make fun of the birth canal; rather, it is intended to celebrate the fact that I never have to touch a vagina again! Yay!
An unfriendly reminder
We had a story online yesterday about the fact that Missouri leads the nation for the rate of black deaths by homicide. It's a sad reminder of how far we still have to go to build communities and improve conditions for minorities in this country.
Where are my movies? Where are my memories?
Anyone who truly knows me, and I am realizing there really aren't that many people who do know me, knows that old black-and-white movies are one of my true passions.
Humphrey Bogart... Ingrid Bergman... Lauren Bacall... Bette Davis... Fred Astaire... Ginger Rogers... Deborah Kerr... Cary Grant... Clark Gable... Audrey Hepburn...
These performers have brightened many a dark evening for me, not to mentioned help turn good evenings into great ones.
I moved into my current apartment in mid-June of last year. While in the process of moving, I kept my DVD player and a handful of my favorite DVDs — among them "Casablanca," "All About Eve," "Swing Time," "Top Hat," "An Affair to Remember," "Roman Holiday" and a handful of others, like "Little Miss Sunshine" — behind at my old place to tide me over until the move was complete.
It was a pretty hectic time, but I never would have imagined misplacing that box. But sure as fuck, I can't find any of those movies. It's almost 1:45 a.m., and I just went through ever box in our basement — again — and can't find the goddamn movies.
Aside from the significant financial investment involved, I am having a hard time reconciling the emotional investment that has been lost. My heart is weeping.
Still, they are just DVDs... Bits of plastic with some digital coding. I can replace the movies in time.
"Casablanca" will be the same movie, if not the same case that caught my tears while I sat alone in my house and cried the first night my ex-wife and kids left. "An Affair to Remember" will be the same movie, even if it's not the same disc that played my first night in St. Louis, wondering if I was ready to start all over with new friends. "Swing Time" will be the same, even if it's not the same copy of the film I bought at the same time I bought my friend Greg a copy of the same movie last summer for his birthday.
Where are my movies? I'll be damned if I know. Where are my memories? Alive and well in my heart.
Humphrey Bogart... Ingrid Bergman... Lauren Bacall... Bette Davis... Fred Astaire... Ginger Rogers... Deborah Kerr... Cary Grant... Clark Gable... Audrey Hepburn...
These performers have brightened many a dark evening for me, not to mentioned help turn good evenings into great ones.
I moved into my current apartment in mid-June of last year. While in the process of moving, I kept my DVD player and a handful of my favorite DVDs — among them "Casablanca," "All About Eve," "Swing Time," "Top Hat," "An Affair to Remember," "Roman Holiday" and a handful of others, like "Little Miss Sunshine" — behind at my old place to tide me over until the move was complete.
It was a pretty hectic time, but I never would have imagined misplacing that box. But sure as fuck, I can't find any of those movies. It's almost 1:45 a.m., and I just went through ever box in our basement — again — and can't find the goddamn movies.
Aside from the significant financial investment involved, I am having a hard time reconciling the emotional investment that has been lost. My heart is weeping.
Still, they are just DVDs... Bits of plastic with some digital coding. I can replace the movies in time.
"Casablanca" will be the same movie, if not the same case that caught my tears while I sat alone in my house and cried the first night my ex-wife and kids left. "An Affair to Remember" will be the same movie, even if it's not the same disc that played my first night in St. Louis, wondering if I was ready to start all over with new friends. "Swing Time" will be the same, even if it's not the same copy of the film I bought at the same time I bought my friend Greg a copy of the same movie last summer for his birthday.
Where are my movies? I'll be damned if I know. Where are my memories? Alive and well in my heart.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
New tattoo

I decided over my "me" weekend to get another tattoo. It's a phoenix on my wrist — pretty symbolic given the whole identity crisis I've been having lately.
Sarah and I were having pizza Saturday evening, and I just decided that it needed to be done that day. I drew an outline, and the artist, after a couple tries, got it right.
I really love the design, too. That is, I loved it until a friend pointed out that is looks like a "fire-breathing vagina."
Note to self: Always get tattoo designs vetted by a straight guy before having them permanently inked.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Best. Weekend. Ever.
So I finally took some time for myself this weekend. I took a personal day on Monday, and I spent three days with two of the people I am closest to in the world. I spent time in both Columbia, Mo., and Springfield, Mo., and I was able to vent/relax/say things that needed to be said - both to myself and to other people. It was fabulous!
To Sarah and Ryan - I hope you both see this, and I hope you both know and understand that I will forever be grateful to you both. And just in case I ever forget about how good it felt to do something for ME for a change, all I have to do is look at my wrist and the new tattoo of the phoenix. It's a permanent reminder that I, too, can rise from my own ashes and soar.
I truly love you both!
(More on the new tattoo later!)
To Sarah and Ryan - I hope you both see this, and I hope you both know and understand that I will forever be grateful to you both. And just in case I ever forget about how good it felt to do something for ME for a change, all I have to do is look at my wrist and the new tattoo of the phoenix. It's a permanent reminder that I, too, can rise from my own ashes and soar.
I truly love you both!
(More on the new tattoo later!)
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Waking up with a gorgeous man
No, it didn't happen this morning. At least, not that way.
I decided late last week that I was getting the hell out of St. Louis for a few days. Nothing big, I just needed a few days to myself. Even though yesterday at work was nothing short of horrible, I did manage to leave the Lou by 7 p.m.
The weekend started well enough with an apparently faulty gas pump that only charged me $13.07 to fill my tank. I suppose I should have told the attendant that it undercharged me by about $17, but I figured what the hell... This is MY weekend!
I decided to visit my oldest and dearest friend in the world, and we sat up last night watching the movie "Knocked Up." It truly was a lovely experience.
Then this morning, while I was half-awake on the couch with my head turned and my mouth open, I notice her dog - her big, BIG dog, Hank - coming toward me.
Meet Hank:

Still being in my groggy state, I didn't really react much - OK, at all - to the approaching ubercanine. Not, that is, until he licked me in my open mouth. That pretty much woke me right the hell up!
No worries, though. I love dogs, and Hank is a sweetheart!
I guess the lesson here is to never eat a whole bag of Funyuns by yourself. Nothing good ever comes of that.
I decided late last week that I was getting the hell out of St. Louis for a few days. Nothing big, I just needed a few days to myself. Even though yesterday at work was nothing short of horrible, I did manage to leave the Lou by 7 p.m.
The weekend started well enough with an apparently faulty gas pump that only charged me $13.07 to fill my tank. I suppose I should have told the attendant that it undercharged me by about $17, but I figured what the hell... This is MY weekend!
I decided to visit my oldest and dearest friend in the world, and we sat up last night watching the movie "Knocked Up." It truly was a lovely experience.
Then this morning, while I was half-awake on the couch with my head turned and my mouth open, I notice her dog - her big, BIG dog, Hank - coming toward me.
Meet Hank:
Still being in my groggy state, I didn't really react much - OK, at all - to the approaching ubercanine. Not, that is, until he licked me in my open mouth. That pretty much woke me right the hell up!
No worries, though. I love dogs, and Hank is a sweetheart!
I guess the lesson here is to never eat a whole bag of Funyuns by yourself. Nothing good ever comes of that.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Heath Ledger speaks
In 2006, St. Louis Post-Dispatch film critic Joe Williams interviewed the late actor Heath Ledger. The audio from that interview is on the Post-Dispatch website.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Moment of Truth, final
As in, the final time I watch it. Jesus, could it be any more slow or boring?
My friend Erica just pointed me in the direction of an artist who paints and then gives away - for free! - the cutest works. Of course, she accepts donations... So if you order one, you definitely should pay her something.
Her name is Ali Spagnola, and you should check out her stuff.
Her name is Ali Spagnola, and you should check out her stuff.
Moment of Truth, part 3
Thank God the first contestant got bounced. Not only is he a perv (not that there is anything wrong with that!), but he is a lying perv!
Moment of Truth, part 2
Halfway through the show, and things are not getting any better. I'm not a TV person, really, and this is starting to prove to me that I am right. WAY TOO SLOOOWWWWWWWW...
Moment of Truth
A few minutes into the new Fox TV game show, I have to say that I am not impressed. Too much time in between questions, too much manufactured drama on finding out if an answer is true or not. Ugh. Hope it gets better.
Thar she blows!

Holy cetacean, Batman! Kathleen Turner better watch out: Japan will be dispatching a fleet of ships shortly to shoot her in the name of "scientific research."
Suck it, Fred Phelps

The Westboro Baptist Church, in their infinite wisdom, have decided to travel to Australia to picket Heath Ledger's funeral. Now, I'm not saying anything should happen to their church while they are gone or that the plane they're all on should plunge mysteriously into the Pacific, but if either of those things WERE to happen, I wouldn't be sad.
The Daily Mammal
In case you haven't seen it, you should check out this blog. I LOVE these drawings for some reason!!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Shocking news
Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt today announced that he will not be seeking a second term in office this fall. That comes as quite a surprise to many people, not the least of which is the Republican establishment in the state.
What's Blunt up to? No one seems to know for sure, but if a Republican wins the White House this fall, I'd put good money on the fact that it's either done with Blunt on the ticket as a vice presidential candidate or that Blunt ends up with a prime Cabinet post.
What's Blunt up to? No one seems to know for sure, but if a Republican wins the White House this fall, I'd put good money on the fact that it's either done with Blunt on the ticket as a vice presidential candidate or that Blunt ends up with a prime Cabinet post.
Matt Blunt,
On Heath Ledger

I'm saddened by the death today of actor Heath Ledger.
For one, he was a great performer who didn't allow Hollywood to simply turn him into a product. In today's consume-everything world, that's really saying something.
No reports right now really link him to any substance abuse problems, so the fact that he was found with several over-the-counter sleeping pills near his bed seems to indicate either suicide or an accidental overdose; police do not suspect foul play.
It's my hope that the latter theory proves to be correct. I would hate to think that an actor who did so many wonderful things for the gay community with his performance in "Brokeback Mountain" would take his own life.
This news certainly will cast a pall over the July release of "The Dark Knight," which I was (and still am) eagerly anticipating.
Brokeback Mountain,
Dark Knight,
foul play,
Heath Ledger,
A way to make the world better
Back when I was editing a section at the Post-Dispatch, I came across a wire story about a website that was doing something amazing to help end - or at least alleviate - world hunger. Basically, it's a vocabulary test, and for every word you get right, advertiser donations are used to buy grains of rice to be sent to Third World countries.
Do something good today: Take the test, and help feed people in need. If nothing else, you might get a little smarter!
Do something good today: Take the test, and help feed people in need. If nothing else, you might get a little smarter!
The more things change ...
Even when things appear to be clearing up, there are plenty of clouds that roll back in, darkening the horizon.
I've made some huge realizations lately, but it's so hard, even though I know them to be true, to actually believe them. It's so hard for me, once I identify a problem, to then begin taking steps to correct it. There's such a long way to go, that it's hard to believe I ever can reach the end. Regardless, I must try...
"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter — tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther . . . . And then one fine morning — So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."
From F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby." If you haven't read it, read it. If you haven't read it lately, read it again soon.
I've made some huge realizations lately, but it's so hard, even though I know them to be true, to actually believe them. It's so hard for me, once I identify a problem, to then begin taking steps to correct it. There's such a long way to go, that it's hard to believe I ever can reach the end. Regardless, I must try...
"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter — tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther . . . . And then one fine morning — So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."
From F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby." If you haven't read it, read it. If you haven't read it lately, read it again soon.
F. Scott Fitzgerald,
The Great Gatsby
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Desert island albums
So here's the premise: Some people were talking at work the other day about the 25 albums you would want to have with you if you were marooned on an island. I presume that said island comes with an endless supply of batteries. Or a power plant to keep the CD player running, whichever. I've learned it's best to not ask too many questions.
I believe there were a couple rules involved, such as no greatest-hits compilations and no live albums. I'm down with the whole no greatest-hits thing, but in my list, live albums still are included.
Without any further ado, here are Jason's 25 for the island, in no particular order (except for No. 25; that reason will be obvious once you get there):
Nirvana : Unplugged in New York :: A haunting album that masterfully captures the angst and pain of an artist (Kurt Cobain), as well as an entire generation.
Van Morrison : Moondance :: Jazzy, wistful, romantic... Just cool, dammit.
Bon Jovi : Slippery When Wet :: One of the first albums I ever owned, on cassette tape. I begged and pleaded with my grandmother until she bought it for me.
Ace of Base : The Sign :: No seriously, it's really on the list. One of those albums that perfectly captured a period of time in my life and helped me through a rough time. Specifically, admitting to myself that I am gay way back in 1993...
The Killers : Sams Town :: I don't know what it is about this album, but after I bought it last spring, I didn't take it out of my car's CD player for about 3 months. No lie. Had little critical acclaim, and even less commercial appeal, but I still love it!
U2 : Achtung Baby :: To me, the band's greatest album. A lot of people would call me insane for not crediting The Joshua Tree as the band's best work, but Achtung Baby just does it for me. The guitar riffs blow me away.
Bill Withers : Just As I Am :: Gotta have some soul, and Withers' first album was great, including the single, "Ain't No Sunshine."
Queen : A Night at the Opera :: Band with a flair for the dramatic takes on rock opera. Brilliant!
Guns N' Roses : Appetite for Destruction :: Hair rockers' first album turned my world upside down when I first heard Slash tearing up his guitar on the introduction to "Sweet Child o' Mine."
Scissor Sisters : Ta-Dah :: Because even if I don't feel like dancing, I'm going to need to!
Madonna: Ray of Light :: Duh.
Mike Watt : Ball-Hog or Tugboat :: Most people probably never have heard this one. If you haven't, you're missing out. It's brilliant. Speaking as a child of the '70s ...
The White Stripes : Get Behind Me Satan :: Just one of the best alt-rock albums EVER.
Nanci Griffith : Flyer :: For the quiet moments, when I need a folk singer with a crystalline voice to bring me some clarity.
Nat King Cole : The Christmas Song :: Christmas comes everywhere, so I'd definitely need some carols crooned. And while I LOVE Nat King Cole's version of the title song, I have to admit that his rendition of "O Holy Night" brings tears to my eyes.
Fleetwood Mac : Rumors :: Not a bad track on the album, this one is a definite must-have.
The Rolling Stones : Let it Bleed :: The Stones are the only bad/artist by whom I would need to have more than one album, and this one opens with my favorite Stones song, "Gimme Shelter."
The Rolling Stones : Some Girls :: Opens with "Miss You" and ends with "Shattered." From start to finish, my favorite Stones album.
The Who : Who's Next :: Flat-out, pissed-off rock. Love it.
Michael Jackson : Thriller :: It's all been downhill from here for the King of Pop, but damn, when he was good, he was really, really good.
Elton John : Tumbleweed Connection :: One of the few albums I can listen to over and over and over and over... My favorite song is "Amoreena," which is playing during the opening of one of my favorite movies, "Dog Day Afternoon."
The Beatles : Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band :: Just about the only Beatles album that I like, and I REALLY like it.
Dreamgirls : The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack :: If I made this list and didn't include some showtunes, I would have to turn in my gay card. Plus this soundtrack is amazingly soul-stirring.
Dixie Chicks : Home :: Surprise! If I am going to include a country album, it's going to be this acoustic-bluegrass masterpiece.
And finally...
Gabriel Faure : Requiem :: This piece is called "death's lullaby." Exile or not, when it's time to give up the ghost, I want to be listening to this as I drift away.
So there you have it, my 25 favorite albums. Anything on here that you find totally out of place? What would you replace it with?
I believe there were a couple rules involved, such as no greatest-hits compilations and no live albums. I'm down with the whole no greatest-hits thing, but in my list, live albums still are included.
Without any further ado, here are Jason's 25 for the island, in no particular order (except for No. 25; that reason will be obvious once you get there):
Nirvana : Unplugged in New York :: A haunting album that masterfully captures the angst and pain of an artist (Kurt Cobain), as well as an entire generation.
Van Morrison : Moondance :: Jazzy, wistful, romantic... Just cool, dammit.
Bon Jovi : Slippery When Wet :: One of the first albums I ever owned, on cassette tape. I begged and pleaded with my grandmother until she bought it for me.
Ace of Base : The Sign :: No seriously, it's really on the list. One of those albums that perfectly captured a period of time in my life and helped me through a rough time. Specifically, admitting to myself that I am gay way back in 1993...
The Killers : Sams Town :: I don't know what it is about this album, but after I bought it last spring, I didn't take it out of my car's CD player for about 3 months. No lie. Had little critical acclaim, and even less commercial appeal, but I still love it!
U2 : Achtung Baby :: To me, the band's greatest album. A lot of people would call me insane for not crediting The Joshua Tree as the band's best work, but Achtung Baby just does it for me. The guitar riffs blow me away.
Bill Withers : Just As I Am :: Gotta have some soul, and Withers' first album was great, including the single, "Ain't No Sunshine."
Queen : A Night at the Opera :: Band with a flair for the dramatic takes on rock opera. Brilliant!
Guns N' Roses : Appetite for Destruction :: Hair rockers' first album turned my world upside down when I first heard Slash tearing up his guitar on the introduction to "Sweet Child o' Mine."
Scissor Sisters : Ta-Dah :: Because even if I don't feel like dancing, I'm going to need to!
Madonna: Ray of Light :: Duh.
Mike Watt : Ball-Hog or Tugboat :: Most people probably never have heard this one. If you haven't, you're missing out. It's brilliant. Speaking as a child of the '70s ...
The White Stripes : Get Behind Me Satan :: Just one of the best alt-rock albums EVER.
Nanci Griffith : Flyer :: For the quiet moments, when I need a folk singer with a crystalline voice to bring me some clarity.
Nat King Cole : The Christmas Song :: Christmas comes everywhere, so I'd definitely need some carols crooned. And while I LOVE Nat King Cole's version of the title song, I have to admit that his rendition of "O Holy Night" brings tears to my eyes.
Fleetwood Mac : Rumors :: Not a bad track on the album, this one is a definite must-have.
The Rolling Stones : Let it Bleed :: The Stones are the only bad/artist by whom I would need to have more than one album, and this one opens with my favorite Stones song, "Gimme Shelter."
The Rolling Stones : Some Girls :: Opens with "Miss You" and ends with "Shattered." From start to finish, my favorite Stones album.
The Who : Who's Next :: Flat-out, pissed-off rock. Love it.
Michael Jackson : Thriller :: It's all been downhill from here for the King of Pop, but damn, when he was good, he was really, really good.
Elton John : Tumbleweed Connection :: One of the few albums I can listen to over and over and over and over... My favorite song is "Amoreena," which is playing during the opening of one of my favorite movies, "Dog Day Afternoon."
The Beatles : Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band :: Just about the only Beatles album that I like, and I REALLY like it.
Dreamgirls : The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack :: If I made this list and didn't include some showtunes, I would have to turn in my gay card. Plus this soundtrack is amazingly soul-stirring.
Dixie Chicks : Home :: Surprise! If I am going to include a country album, it's going to be this acoustic-bluegrass masterpiece.
And finally...
Gabriel Faure : Requiem :: This piece is called "death's lullaby." Exile or not, when it's time to give up the ghost, I want to be listening to this as I drift away.
So there you have it, my 25 favorite albums. Anything on here that you find totally out of place? What would you replace it with?
This queen vs. a Disney princess

As part of movie day with the kids, I am sitting right now watching "Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time." As I sit here, I have to wonder, is a second Cinderella sequel REALLY all that necessary?
As a child, I think every girl (and by girl, I of course, mean actual girls, as well as all future homos) in America had to be a fan of Cinderella. How could you not? Beautiful-but-downtrodden girl's fairy godmother comes to the rescue, transforms her for one night, where she is swept off her feet by a prince? The dress, the carriage, the dress, the glass slippers, the prince... Did I mention the dress? It melts the heart.
(Granted, the talking mice are more than a little disturbing, but hey, even I can look past vermin for a good romance story.)
Anyhow, I just find it, well, vulgar, that Disney would take such a charmingly simple and magical story and turn it into a damn franchise. Cinderella wasn't greedy. She didn't marry the prince for his money; she married the prince because she loved him. The Disney company, though, apparently has no reservations getting in bed with our bank accounts.
THESE GUYS make everything worthwhile!
Friday, January 18, 2008
The Internet is down
At least, at work it was down all day. Funny how dependent we have become on the World Wide Web.
I never had an online connection at my old apartment, nor did I have cable. I kind of liked having a hideaway from the world. But I always was able to access the Net from work.
Not having that today was bizarre. Everyone was walking around like zombies; no one knew what to do.
I hope they get the connection back up soon, at least for the sake of the people working the night side tonight. Having to actually *gasp* walk to someone's desk and talk to them rather than use an instant messenger is horrible!
I never had an online connection at my old apartment, nor did I have cable. I kind of liked having a hideaway from the world. But I always was able to access the Net from work.
Not having that today was bizarre. Everyone was walking around like zombies; no one knew what to do.
I hope they get the connection back up soon, at least for the sake of the people working the night side tonight. Having to actually *gasp* walk to someone's desk and talk to them rather than use an instant messenger is horrible!
instant messenger,
Important words
I know it's weird that I am posting the words of a prayer at 3 a.m., but for some reason, this just came to me. Had a couple of realizations tonight, the biggest of which is that I deserve to be happy, too, dammit... But that will never happen unless I am happy with myself. I've got a lot of work to do, but (to sound totally cliche) a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. To that end, I leave you with words attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, a 13th Century Italian monk:
- Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
- where there is hatred, let me sow love;
- where there is injury, pardon;
- where there is doubt, faith;
- where there is despair, hope;
- where there is darkness, light;
- and where there is sadness, joy.
- O Divine Master,
- grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
- to be understood, as to understand;
- to be loved, as to love;
- for it is in giving that we receive,
- it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
- and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
- Amen.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
With love, from Arkansas
So Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor turned viable president candidate, has taken up the mantle of those who believe we should amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gay marriage. Only this nutjob now is equating gay marriage to bestiality.
Yes, I am gay, and yes, I believe I should be afforded the same legal rights as anyone else in this country. Do I believe it has to be called marriage? No. Do I believe churches should be forced to recognize it? Hell no.
But I do think it's time that we stop talking about homosexuality as if it is an illness. I think it's time we stop letting liberal be a dirty word. I think it's time we are able to say that we are religious, god-fearing people, too, and I certainly think it's time that we stand up and not let idiots like Huckabee control the conversation in this country.
Yes, I am gay, and yes, I believe I should be afforded the same legal rights as anyone else in this country. Do I believe it has to be called marriage? No. Do I believe churches should be forced to recognize it? Hell no.
But I do think it's time that we stop talking about homosexuality as if it is an illness. I think it's time we stop letting liberal be a dirty word. I think it's time we are able to say that we are religious, god-fearing people, too, and I certainly think it's time that we stand up and not let idiots like Huckabee control the conversation in this country.
A word of warning
The New York Times is reporting that a new flesh-eating bacteria is afflicting gay men in San Francisco and Boston. This is one trend that I don't think we should be proud of setting. These stories always are a reminder to me to review my own health practices, and I think it's an appropriate time to urge everyone else to do the same.
On the selling block
My oldest and dearest friend in the world, Sarah, recently has opened an ETSY shop. I don't really know what that is, but she describes it as "sort of like Ebay for hand crafters."
I don't know nothin' 'bout Ebay, but I do know that Sarah creates some of the most uniquely wonderful bags, purses, hats and scarves I ever have seen.
Looking for something that NO ONE else will have? Check out her store.
I don't know nothin' 'bout Ebay, but I do know that Sarah creates some of the most uniquely wonderful bags, purses, hats and scarves I ever have seen.
Looking for something that NO ONE else will have? Check out her store.
And now for something completely different...
I just got back from the gym tonight. Shocker, right? Well, yeah, for anyone who knows me.
Anyhow, I feel amazing. And I'm not just talking about the rush of endorphins or the fact that I don't crave cigarettes (never have after working out).
I'm talking about the fact that I did something nice for myself. Something good.
I've been realizing lately that I've fallen back into a lot of old habits that really are not all that healthy: drinking too much, staying out too late, smoking too many Camels, pushing people away, neglecting myself by trying to take over other people's lives... You know, the basics.
The fact that I went tonight and did something good for me, something healthy that will have benefits, is a huge thing.
I doubt I ever will be a gym rat or one of those guys with the 24-inch pythons, but that's not my goal, anyhow. I haven't been a gym member since I lived in Chicago (2.5 years), so to say that I have fallen into a bit of disrepair is an understatement! I'm hopeful that with some some dedication and the threat of public humiliation for having posted this and then not following through, I will be able to at least consider myself healthy.
Anyhow, I feel amazing. And I'm not just talking about the rush of endorphins or the fact that I don't crave cigarettes (never have after working out).
I'm talking about the fact that I did something nice for myself. Something good.
I've been realizing lately that I've fallen back into a lot of old habits that really are not all that healthy: drinking too much, staying out too late, smoking too many Camels, pushing people away, neglecting myself by trying to take over other people's lives... You know, the basics.
The fact that I went tonight and did something good for me, something healthy that will have benefits, is a huge thing.
I doubt I ever will be a gym rat or one of those guys with the 24-inch pythons, but that's not my goal, anyhow. I haven't been a gym member since I lived in Chicago (2.5 years), so to say that I have fallen into a bit of disrepair is an understatement! I'm hopeful that with some some dedication and the threat of public humiliation for having posted this and then not following through, I will be able to at least consider myself healthy.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The pains of getting old
No, I'm not old. Yet. But it sure as hell feels like it. Weird injuries and pains keep popping up. Like my left knee, for instance. I have no idea what I did to it, but it sure as hell is swollen and bruised.
And it hurts. It hurts even worse when I smack it on the gigantic metal, hydraulic stand that supports my desk at work. Like I just did. Hurt so bad that it almost took the funny out of this LOVELY little nugget.
WARNING: It's offensive as hell. Which naturally means I love it!
And it hurts. It hurts even worse when I smack it on the gigantic metal, hydraulic stand that supports my desk at work. Like I just did. Hurt so bad that it almost took the funny out of this LOVELY little nugget.
WARNING: It's offensive as hell. Which naturally means I love it!
Richard Nixon,
Washington Bullets
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Mr. Personality... That's me!
I've been working the last couple days on an illustration for a story about personality tests, so I decided to break down today and take one. Not sure what I think of the results:
I'm" a O41-C30-E27-A50-N93 Big Five!!
Accurate? What do you think?
I'm" a O41-C30-E27-A50-N93 Big Five!!
Accurate? What do you think?
Dear Lord,
I know we haven't talked much lately, but can you please send a tornado to downtown St. Louis this evening? A lot of ... ummmm ... people ... need to be smote.
That's all,
That's all,
Friends make life worth living
I'm sitting here, getting ready for bed, and I can't help but think about an e-mail forward my friend Lauren sent me, well, it has to be more than a year ago. Normally, I don't pay much attention to e-mail forwards, but this one has stuck with me.
It was all about three types of friends: friends for a reason, friends for a season and friends for a lifetime.
Friends for a reason are the people who pop into your life at a moment when you exactly need them. They may be close or not close, but they are in your life to teach you something or to help you make some realization about life or just to get you through a rough patch.
These friendships won't last long; they may end well, or they may end poorly. But by knowing these people, you come away with some better knowledge of life.
Friends for a season are friends for a period of your life. It could be weeks or months or even years, but when that part of your life is over, so is the friendship.
These friends come into your life, often with great fanfare, and then they leave your life, most often on Sandberg's "little cat feet."
Friends for a lifetime are just that: They are the people who always will be with you. More family than friend, they see you at your best and at your worst. They don't judge you for your faults. In fact, your faults are part of why they love you. You both know that no matter what, nothing you ever could do would destroy that friendship.
Sometimes, they start slowly; sometimes, they start quickly. They never end.
In my life, I've had a lot of friends for a reason. Not all of them have been good. I've always tried to keep an open mind with all of my friends (God knows, no one can do it all the time), so I would like to think that I have learned and grown as a result of all my relationships with my friends for a reason.
I've had even more friends for a season. I thought that many of them were friends for a lifetime, but I was wrong. In most all the cases, I didn't even realize the friendships were over until it was too late. Looking back, I am sad about some, but I really am content with the way most ended.
Friends for a lifetime, though, are the friends with whom I truly have been blessed. I'm not going to name any names, but these people keep me going every day.
Some have known me since college, some have known me for the better part of a decade, some have known me a few years and some have known me for only a few months. In every case, I have total faith that they all will be with me as long as I am alive.
All this really resonated with me after this weekend, when I had so many different groups of my friends together. Rarely have I ever felt so loved and special. It was such a deeply moving experience for me, being surrounded by so many phenomenal people. The fact that it happened during what has been a professionally and personally trying time made it even more amazing.
Not all of my friends were there, but everyone who was made it amazing in their own way. It's one of those memories I will carry with me.
For a lifetime.
It was all about three types of friends: friends for a reason, friends for a season and friends for a lifetime.
Friends for a reason are the people who pop into your life at a moment when you exactly need them. They may be close or not close, but they are in your life to teach you something or to help you make some realization about life or just to get you through a rough patch.
These friendships won't last long; they may end well, or they may end poorly. But by knowing these people, you come away with some better knowledge of life.
Friends for a season are friends for a period of your life. It could be weeks or months or even years, but when that part of your life is over, so is the friendship.
These friends come into your life, often with great fanfare, and then they leave your life, most often on Sandberg's "little cat feet."
Friends for a lifetime are just that: They are the people who always will be with you. More family than friend, they see you at your best and at your worst. They don't judge you for your faults. In fact, your faults are part of why they love you. You both know that no matter what, nothing you ever could do would destroy that friendship.
Sometimes, they start slowly; sometimes, they start quickly. They never end.
In my life, I've had a lot of friends for a reason. Not all of them have been good. I've always tried to keep an open mind with all of my friends (God knows, no one can do it all the time), so I would like to think that I have learned and grown as a result of all my relationships with my friends for a reason.
I've had even more friends for a season. I thought that many of them were friends for a lifetime, but I was wrong. In most all the cases, I didn't even realize the friendships were over until it was too late. Looking back, I am sad about some, but I really am content with the way most ended.
Friends for a lifetime, though, are the friends with whom I truly have been blessed. I'm not going to name any names, but these people keep me going every day.
Some have known me since college, some have known me for the better part of a decade, some have known me a few years and some have known me for only a few months. In every case, I have total faith that they all will be with me as long as I am alive.
All this really resonated with me after this weekend, when I had so many different groups of my friends together. Rarely have I ever felt so loved and special. It was such a deeply moving experience for me, being surrounded by so many phenomenal people. The fact that it happened during what has been a professionally and personally trying time made it even more amazing.
Not all of my friends were there, but everyone who was made it amazing in their own way. It's one of those memories I will carry with me.
For a lifetime.
Monday, January 14, 2008
First one
I nearly died this morning, which always is a good way to start the work week. Pulling onto I-44 on my way to the Post-Dispatch, I neglected to look over my shoulder for oncoming traffic and went ahead and started to pull into the next lane.
I normally would never do such a careless thing, but for some reason, I did. And that's when I saw the giant truck that was about to destroy the left side of the back of my car. After squealing of tires and honking of horns and almost some peeing of pants, I was able to get back into the right lane.
Making the whole thing sort of ironic was the fact that the truck was a Miller Lite delivery truck. Go figure. I always have known that booze is going to kill me; I just never figured I would be sober when it happened.
Making the whole thing worse was the fact that I was not wearing my seat belt. Another thing I almost NEVER do, given the fact that my brother died from not wearing his.
Here's hoping that this week ends better than it started!
I normally would never do such a careless thing, but for some reason, I did. And that's when I saw the giant truck that was about to destroy the left side of the back of my car. After squealing of tires and honking of horns and almost some peeing of pants, I was able to get back into the right lane.
Making the whole thing sort of ironic was the fact that the truck was a Miller Lite delivery truck. Go figure. I always have known that booze is going to kill me; I just never figured I would be sober when it happened.
Making the whole thing worse was the fact that I was not wearing my seat belt. Another thing I almost NEVER do, given the fact that my brother died from not wearing his.
Here's hoping that this week ends better than it started!
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