Saturday, March 8, 2008

By request

So I live in the gayborhood. At least, that's what my neighbor/bestie Landon calls the little area in which we live. It's one of those up-and-coming areas that has a lot of historic architecture and is being rehabbed to make it really nice.

We live in one of the buildings that has been totally rehabbed from the ground up. Granted, the exterior is not all that great, but the interiors are superb, particularly given the money that we are paying for rent.

Anyhow, it's a really nice little area.

Except, that is, for one four-family building across the street. It's the kind of place where you NEVER see any adults but about 86 children and teens coming and going at all hours. Loudly. It's pretty fucking annoying.

Not to mention the fact that people are always knocking on one of the doors, standing there while it's cracked just a bit, having a brief exchange and then leaving.

Normally this would not bother me. I am the kind of person who lets people do what they choose. I tend to mind my own business like that. Except for the fact that last year on July 4, one of the teens living there called me a "faggot" and threw a lit firecracker at my roommate and me.

Oh well... I guess it's good to know that if I need crack, it's 200 feet away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooooh crack!!! I hear it tastes like cherries, you know.
