Monday, March 17, 2008

Changing times

It seems like life is in a constant state of upheaval lately; not just for me, but for several of my friends, as well.

A wake-up call for me at work a few weeks ago and news that my stepfather (in the best-case scenario) has about a 20% chance of survival have been weighing heavily on me. Not to mention the fact that I've really been struggling with some serious identity issues over the past few months, anyhow.

And I'm watching a couple people who are nearly as close to me as my skin go through similar ordeals. Both have been there for me whenever I've needed them, and both are pillars in my life. They are so incredibly strong; much, much stronger than either gives themselves credit for being.

I'm also watching some friends' careers and education taking off, and I am so proud of them.

My brother and his fiancee are preparing to be married later this year, and I am so proud of them both and of the new family they are going to build. My sister and her husband have welcomed a daughter into the world in the last year, and they are making a wonderful life for all their children.

Still, I can't help but wonder: Where am I going?

I know that with as much change as there is in my life and in the lives of those around me, something huge must be on the horizon.

All I can do is be patient and let life reveal itself to me. But anyone who knows me knows that patience is not a virtue for which I have much regard!

In the meantime, I remain eternally grateful for those who have been there to support me and eternally vigilant for the need to return the favor.


Anonymous said...

Get outta my head: "Still, I can't help but wonder: Where am I going?"


carrie said...

i'm confident that the people you refer to would say that you, too, are stronger than you give yourself credit for.