Monday, February 18, 2008

Worth listening to...

My favorite Elton John album is "Tumbleweed Connection." If you haven't heard it, you definitely should. It's soulful and moving and heart-wrenching and touching and, well, amazing.

I listened to it today at work, and for some reason, was really touched by it.

I'm embedding a couple clips from the album. The first is "My Father's Gun." I was talking to a friend last night about some of the things I went through as a child at my father's doing, and listening to the song today, I was blown away. I've heard it a thousand times (not literally!), but today it really touched me. Makes me wish that he could be a man whose mantle I could pick up and carry to the end of the world.

The clip includes scenes from the movie "Elizabethtown," also worth checking out.

The second song on the album that I love is "Amoreena." It's actually my favorite Elton John song. Such a mystic, playful, bittersweet, nostalgic love song. Right up my alley!

The clip is from the movie "Dog Day Afternoon," starring Al Pacino, who plays a bank robber trying to get money to pay for his transexual lover's gender reassignment. Pretty ground-breaking for 1975. One of my favorites!

Treat your ears and your soul... listen to these two and then get the whole album.

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