Thursday, June 5, 2008

And another thing...

I've had this fucking ear infection since last Friday, and I am TIRED of it! My doctor called in a prescription that day for what is SUPPOSED to be an ultra-high powered antibiotic. And given that I paid well over $40 for the generic AFTER my insurance, I thought it would be.

Seven pills, seven days.

Today is day seven and it hasn't even touched the infection. In fact, it's gotten a bit worse and is starting to work its way into my sinuses and chest. So I called him back and asked for something else to take. He called in the SAME FUCKING THING!

I called another friend who is a physician, and he called in good, old-fashioned amoxicillin. If this doesn't work, I'm going to stab my ear with a hatchet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hatchet gash!