Thursday, January 17, 2008

And now for something completely different...

I just got back from the gym tonight. Shocker, right? Well, yeah, for anyone who knows me.

Anyhow, I feel amazing. And I'm not just talking about the rush of endorphins or the fact that I don't crave cigarettes (never have after working out).

I'm talking about the fact that I did something nice for myself. Something good.

I've been realizing lately that I've fallen back into a lot of old habits that really are not all that healthy: drinking too much, staying out too late, smoking too many Camels, pushing people away, neglecting myself by trying to take over other people's lives... You know, the basics.

The fact that I went tonight and did something good for me, something healthy that will have benefits, is a huge thing.

I doubt I ever will be a gym rat or one of those guys with the 24-inch pythons, but that's not my goal, anyhow. I haven't been a gym member since I lived in Chicago (2.5 years), so to say that I have fallen into a bit of disrepair is an understatement! I'm hopeful that with some some dedication and the threat of public humiliation for having posted this and then not following through, I will be able to at least consider myself healthy.


The Soviet said...

well, hulk hogan ... i think that's great!

Anonymous said...


That'll get me off your ass for awhile. Bet that'll make you happy, seeing as I'm a girl and the only thing I'm doing on your ass is pissing you off.


Jason Lewton said...

Thank, David... I knew I could count on you to get the old-school WWF reference. And as far as YOU, Miss Sarah... Yeah. You know you don't have the power to piss me off!

Fisch said...

Dude, that's great to hear. I hope you keep it up.

Jennie said...

Jeez, now I feel bad for selling him 10 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies.