Thursday, January 17, 2008

With love, from Arkansas

So Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor turned viable president candidate, has taken up the mantle of those who believe we should amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gay marriage. Only this nutjob now is equating gay marriage to bestiality.

Yes, I am gay, and yes, I believe I should be afforded the same legal rights as anyone else in this country. Do I believe it has to be called marriage? No. Do I believe churches should be forced to recognize it? Hell no.

But I do think it's time that we stop talking about homosexuality as if it is an illness. I think it's time we stop letting liberal be a dirty word. I think it's time we are able to say that we are religious, god-fearing people, too, and I certainly think it's time that we stand up and not let idiots like Huckabee control the conversation in this country.

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